Friday, November 8, 2019

Not in the Halls!

One thing UETN does to help the IT EDU community in Utah is to have a conference every year called UETN Tech Summit. We listen to keynotes, find out what UETN has been up to that year and attend classes on varying subjects. I went to all of the wireless classes I could because I was in the process of installing a brand spanking new controller based wireless system and I found out I installed it totally wrong. I put all the AP's in the hallways because that was much easier and I didn't understand things like channel utilization, airtime, and CCI. My project for the next summer was moving them all into the classrooms. I still go to all the wireless classes at Tech Summit because sometimes they even get famous people like Keith Parsons to speak.

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Wireless network engineer at Utah Valley University

UCCU Center Part 3

Well the install couldn't have gone better. We scheduled for 5 days and it only took 4. Two days to pull the wire, terminate and certi...

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